How to update your Moonwalkers to the latest version of ShiftOSUpdated 9 months ago
Moonwalkers are powered by ShiftOS, our intelligent software that controls the way your Moonwalkers behave.
In order to enjoy the most up to date experience, we recommend updating your Moonwalkers' software via our iOS app or our Android app.
How to update your shoes:
Step 1:
Plug the charger cables into both shoes. The green light will indicate that they are charging.
Step 2:
Press and hold the button on each shoe and release when the light disappears. A blue light with a breathing effect will show up, indicating that your Moonwalkers are in OTA mode.
Step 3:
Follow the instructions in the mobile app to pair your Moonwalkers. The QR code is located under the Toe Plate, and you can scan it with your phone's camera or input the 12-digit product serial number manually from your phone.
Step 4:
Once the shoes are connected in the app, click on the software update button.
Step 5:
If there are new updates available, a detailed release note will appear. Click on “Download and Install” to start the OTA update. Please do not close the App while OTA is processing.
Step 6:
Once the update is complete, simply unplug the cables and you’re good to go!
Both shoes will automatically disconnect from the phone, and Blink Red light twice periodically. This indicates that the shoes have just completed OTA update and are currently unable to be charged. Do not press the button in the process, as doing so will enter Factory Mode.
Step 7:
Unplug the shoes and you are good to go.